Elite Beef Diagnosis offers an elite selection of feed options, nutritional supplements, and expert guidance designed to optimse the health, development, and carcass quality of your beef herd. Our goal is to expedite the process of achieving your cattle's ideal weight and conformation with efficiency, thereby safeguarding your earnings.
At the core of our engagement with clients is the health of their livestock. No matter the fluctuations of the market, the peak potential for profit relies on the wellness of your animals.
From the moment of birth to the final stages of growth, Elite Beef commits to enhancing productivity through the provision of precise nutritional solutions tailored to fit your farming operation, whether it's intensive or semi-intensive. Our focus is not merely on increasing expenditure but on delivering substantial value.
Elite Beef Products
We provide important dairy compounds for today's high-producing dairy herds. Our selected products boost herd health and enhance milk yield and quality. These compounds help balance protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals for growth, maintenance, and milk production. They can be used in various systems, whether as a supplement to forage or in parlors and robotic feeders to meet the specific needs of the herd.
Mineral supplements in dairy feed are essential for a balanced diet and a healthy herd. Our Ruminant Specialists use minerals to address specific problems like fertility issues, lameness, and mastitis. They also help strengthen the herd's immune system.
Fats are vital for dairy cows' diets, particularly early in lactation, as they provide essential energy. Many feeds include protected fats, so selecting a beneficial one is important for cow health, production, and milk quality. The right fat can enhance milk protein and fat production and improve body condition score. However, the variety of available products can complicate choosing the best option for your cows.
Dairy cows require yeasts for a healthy rumen, vital for milk production and performance. Our team can recommend effective live yeasts based on research. Ensure a high number of live yeast cells for digestion. Yeasts can also help balance rumen pH during acidosis, which may be triggered by high fermentable carbohydrates, finely chopped forages, poorly fermented forages, low structural fiber, high concentrate use, and spring grass.
Elite Beef offers high-quality liquid feeds for all ruminants and dairy cows. These feeds enhance the taste of TMR diets and improve intake. They are also a cost-effective source of rumen-degradable protein and sugars needed for good rumen health. Products include molasses and distillery syrups, which are high in protein.
Our specialists will help your herd get the right nutrition for your needs. Concentrates provide extra energy and protein based on the milk composition you require. They are used alongside forages to boost milk yields, enhance animal health, and ensure proper milk composition.
As an independent feed supplier, we focus on custom blends to provide top nutrition for your cows. We source high-quality ingredients globally to ensure balanced diets that benefit your herd and business. Our tailored blends reduce waste and lower feeding costs.